Is The United States on Self-Destruct?
Too many people in our government have a serious disease: CDD. It's a mental disease and it may have reached pandemic proportions. It's bringing down our nation. This illness is a self-destruct button and is being pushed regularly by far too many officials in the United States government. What is CDD? It's
Character Deficit Disorder.
Where has integrity gone? And where has the following concept gone? "The people come first for that's why they elected me. I'm not beholden to power brokers who can fund me so I may be elected, and reelected... again and again." Has the GMP Factor [Greed, Money and Power] blinded them? Do dollars buy votes for them? Have their power positions so overinflated their egos and that is why CDD is spreading? What do you think?
When I look at congress today, I am reminded of what Lincoln quoted from the Bible: "A house divided must fall." I don't see very much harmony in Congress today, do you? How will it survive in the years to come? I believe that it will depend on how much we can eradicate the mental illness of CDD.
People in government were once ordinary citizens, just like you and I. Have they forgotten that they and me make we and that WE THE PEOPLE must all work together to remain a free nation? Does greed for money and power so color the judgements of the CDD afflicted that they are forgetting the we part of they and me?
Are we, as a nation of freedom loving people, losing it? If we ever do, I contend that it will be because of the CDD Factor.
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