The I Can Woman / Man

I am the I can woman / man.

When they said "It can't be done." I did it.

When I tripped and fell or staggered, I stayed with it.

I know no defeat even though I may fail,
for I'll get up and go on while others may wail.

I'll grunt and groan and struggle on my way,
while others grunt, groan and moan, fall and stay.

I know no defeat.  I continue.  I press on.

I fight and grow stronger in the struggle
while others I know falter and fall into a
heap of rubble.

There is no end to the fight for life.
My task is to win out over the strife.

My goal is to live, not merely exist.

I know not the meaning of "I can't."

And while through trouble others rave and rant,

I KNOW that I CANNOT SAY, "I can't."  for

I AM the I Can Woman /Man!

                                        F. Anton Stahl